Bouillon cube

Stock cube ( in Germany, bouillon cubes in Germany and Austria, bouillon cubes in Switzerland and West Germany, also known as Maggi cubes known ) are a cuboid -pressed mixture of salt, dried spices, flavors or yeast extract and sugars, with fat, usually hydrogenated vegetable oil, bound. Depending on the make and brand, other substances like caramel, celery extract, spices, meat extract and vegetables may be included. If they are dissolved in hot water, creates a broth. They serve as a practical and inexpensive substitute for meat broth.

The von Liebig 's Extract of Meat Company ( LEMCO ) invented in the 1880s were still stock cubes from Liebig's meat extract, beef tallow and vegetable seasonings. Maggi bouillon cubes offered first time in 1909, which contained denatured vegetable protein instead of meat extract wort. This spice has a hint of meat flavor and cost less than meat extract, so that " Maggi cubes " were able to prevail and similar products of Knorr and others about the " Liebig- cubes " and are offered almost exclusively today.

Stock cubes usually contain no meat. Simple bouillon cube and so-called fatty broth essentially differ only by their content of vegetable oil, vegetable stock cubes also contain small amounts of dried vegetables. Only meat bouillon cubes contain accordance with EC evaluation criteria at least 670 mg meat extract per liter. Fischbrühwürfel contain fish extract accordingly.

The main ingredient, the condiment, is made by low-fat protein-rich plant materials such as soy protein or corn gluten or " animal by-products " ( according to Regulation ( EC) No 1774 /2002) so offal, dissolved by boiling in dilute hydrochloric acid ( hydrolyzed) are. Excess hydrochloric acid in the protein hydrolyzate is reacted in the subsequent neutralization with sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate to sodium chloride, resulting from the high salt content. Products with less salt were obtained by enzymatic digestion of protein-rich substances.

Organic stock cubes may according to the EU Organic Regulation contain no flavor. This only affects their insulated addition. In fact, contain organic stock cubes usually by the addition of yeast extract comparable amounts of free monosodium glutamate as conventionally produced, however, it must be declared as part of the yeast extract not as a flavor enhancer. Also glutamathaltig ingredients such as seasoning or flavoring can be, especially if advised of corn, wheat or soy.

Granulated broth identical in composition to about stock cubes, but the ingredients are dried and not pressed, making it faster soluble. In Switzerland, this is the preferred form.

In cube form is available in Germany and Austria, and in Austria goulash gravy juice.
