Bože pravde

Bože Pravde ( God of Justice ) is the national anthem of Serbia. The text was written in 1872 by Jovan Ðorđević and the music of Davorin Jenko.

Bože Pravde was only with the adoption of a new constitution on 30 September 2006 on the official Serbian national anthem. Before that, the anthem was used by the Republic and its institutions since the legally non-binding " recommendation on the use of the arms, the flag and the anthem of the Republic of Serbia " by the Serbian National Assembly on 17 August 2004.

Bože Pravde was the national anthem of the Kingdom of Serbia (1882-1918) and part of the tripartite National anthem of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (1918-1945 and since 1929 Kingdom of Yugoslavia ), which was composed of the then National Anthems of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. Therefore, Serbia used today one of the republican form of government adapted version of the text without monarchist references.


The text of the anthem is currently used by the Republic of Serbia is as follows:

Боже правде, ти што спасе од пропасти до сад нас, чуј и од сад наше гласе и од сад нам буди спас.

Моћном руком води, брани будућности српске брод, Боже спаси, Боже храни, српске земље, српски род! Србију нам Боже брани, моли ти се сав наш род!

Сложи српску браћу драгу на свак дичан славан рад, слога биће пораз врагу а најјачи српству град.

Нек на српства блиста грани братске слоге златан плод, Боже спаси, Боже храни српске земље, српски род! Србију нам Боже брани, моли ти се сав наш род!

Из мрачнога сину гроба српске славе нови сјај, настало је ново доба, нову срећу Боже дај.

Србију нам Боже брани, пет вековне борбе плод, Боже спаси, Боже храни, српске земље, српски род! Србију нам Боже брани, моли ти се сав наш род!

Bože pravde, ti sto spase od propasti do sad nas, Čuj i od sad naše glase i od sad nam budi spas.

Moćnom rukom vodi, brani budućnosti Srpska brod, Bože Spasi, Bože Hrani, Srpska zemlje, srpski rod! Srbiju nam Bože brani, moli ti se sav naš rod!

Složi srpsku Bracu Dragu na Svak dičan Slavan wheel, sloga Bice Poraz vragu a najjači srpstvu grad

Nek na grani srpstva blista bratske sloge zlatan plod, Bože Spasi, Bože Hrani Srpska zemlje, srpski rod! Srbiju nam Bože brani, moli ti se sav naš rod!

Iz mračnoga sinu groba Srpska slave novi sjaj, nastalo per novo doba, novu srecu Bože daj.

Srbiju nam Bože brani, pet vekovne boron plod, Bože Spasi, Bože Hrani, Srpska zemlje, srpski rod! Srbiju nam Bože brani, moli ti se sav naš rod!

God of justice, you saved before sinking to us now, also hear from now on, our voices and is from now on our salvation.

Lead with a mighty hand, defending the Serbian future ship God save, God nourished, Serbian countries, Serbian blood! God bless our Serbia, asks you your Serbian blood!

Some who dared Serbian brothers on each magnificent ( a ) glorious work, Unity will be the Horned defeat and the strongest Serb parties.

May Serbia shine gloss the fraternal harmony golden fruit, God save, God nourished, Serbian countries, Serbian blood! God bless our Serbia, asks you your Serbian blood!

From sullen son's grave lights of the Serbian Fame new bill, dawned a new era, new luck, give us God.

Serbia, the defending ourselves to God, from five centuries struggle fruit, God save, God nourished, Serbian countries, Serbian blood! God bless our Serbia, asks you your Serbian blood!
