
Hen 1.5 to 2.0 kg

The Brabant - house chicken breed from the Netherlands is an ancient breed from the 17th century. As ancestors of the ancestors of Brabant Paduanerhuhnes Crèvecoeur and chickens are. This breed is found throughout Europe.

The Brabant is a movable chicken with a full hull. Striking is the helmet hood that he has in common with the Appenzell Pointed Hood. Brabant are also considered ancestors of Appenzell Pointed Hood. Brabant have raised nostrils and a ridge horns in a V shape. The beard of the animals is in three parts. The color strokes silver, gold and chamois colors have as a special half-moon spots on the spring end. The barrel is blue.

Brabant are good layers and have an imposing appearance. In dry weather, a freewheel is necessary, bearing in mind that the Brabant are very happy flight.

A dwarf form exists and is less common than the large form.

Pictures of Brabanter
