Braginka River


Template: Infobox River / BILD_fehlt

The Brahinka (White Russian and Ukrainian Брагінка, Russian Брагинка Braginka ) is a river in Belarus and Ukraine, and is a left tributary of the Pripyat.

The river has a length of 179 kilometers begins northwest of Brahin in Rajon Choiniki and flows through the Homelskaja Woblasz. After crossing the border, it flows into the Pripyat, which opens shortly afterwards at the Kiev Sea in the Dnieper. Part of it is located in a restricted zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


The narrative Kortschma na Brahinzi of Constantinople Georgijewitsch Paustovsky plays on or near the river.


  • Блакiтная кнiга Беларусi: энцыкл. / Рэдкал. Н. А. Дзісько, М. М. Курловіч, Я. В. Малашэвіч і інш. ; Маст. В. Г. Загародні. - Мн: БелЭн, 1994 - 415 с. .. ISBN 5-85700-133-1
  • Географический энциклопедический словарь. . - М: Советская энциклопедия. . - 1989 ( Geografičeskij ėnciklopedičeskij slovar M.: . Sovetskaja ėnciklopedija - 1989) - page 91
  • River system Pripyat
  • River in Europe
  • River in Belarus
  • River in Ukraine
  • Homelskaja Woblasz