Braubach (Liederbach)

Confluence with the Unterliederbach


The name part " brewing " comes possibly from OHG bri - UWAN, bruwan, " brew ", meaning motion of a body of water.


The Braubach rises in the south of the Taunus Königstein - Schneidhain ( between the railway embankment and the street Am Zankwald ). The creek flows in a southerly direction, parallel to the Königstein railway line by a narrow meadow valley. North of the Rodenberg (height 300 m) are located on both sides of its course barrows. Here also the designated conservation area Braubachtal is Hornau. The brewer creek flows west past the foot of the Rodenberg's, flows through the Braubach ponds, a small fishing pond of the ASV Kelkheim and finally flows, one coming from the northwest, north of Kelkheim - Hornau ( still within the district of Bad Soden- Altenhain ) from the right side in the Unterliederbach.

Water Quality

The Braubach is classified in its entire course as moderately polluted ( Class II ).


The Braubachtal is biologically high-quality field, with its mix of wetlands and orchards and hedges with arable areas. In addition still east of Roden mountain woodland with mature trees. The valley is a very varied habitat where many species of animals. There are and there are a rare and endangered butterflies, reptiles, birds and small mammals.

These include the following: Large Fritillary, Purple Waldbläuling, Great Purple Emperor, Fire Salamander, grass snake, Dipper, Kingfisher, Tawny Owl, water shrew, field shrew, badger and hare

In Braubach pond live carp, rainbow trout, pike, perch, eel and white fish.


Braubach ( headwaters )


Fish pond in Braubachtal

Braubach (just before the confluence with the songs Bach)
