Brazilian Communist Party

The Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB ) ( German: Brazilian Communist Party) is a Brazilian Communist political party.

The party emerged from the resulting on March 25, 1922 Partido Comunista do Brasil, which at its inception, the abbreviation PCB led. Following the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ( CPSU ) originated disagreements within the party about the correct course. During the part, which henceforth refer to themselves as Partido Comunista Brasileiro and should shorten as PCBs, the course set by the CPSU way of de-Stalinization mittrug and thus pursued a legalistic approach, it was from the other part, which further led to the name Partido Comunista do Brasil, However, this acronym PCdoB introduced, criticized as reformism. While the PCdoB currently mitträgt the government of the Partido dos Trabalhadores ( PT), the PCB is pursuing a oppositional course and occurs in elections with the Partido Socialismo e Liberdade ( PSOL ) and the Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado ( PSTU ), two Trotskyist parties, as Frente da Esquerda ( left Front ) to. This electoral alliance achieved at various national elections for Congress, the Senate and the presidents office until nearly 7% (result of the presidential candidate Heloísa Helena in the 2006 elections ).
