Bribri people

Bribri is a small indigenous people in Costa Rica. There live about 5200 Bribri in one village, the original settlement in the rainforest. This settlement is about two days' walk from the village and not accessible by road. In this part, only about 500 people live, they are still hunters and gatherers. Manage Bribri their territory itself

The Bribri have their own language, which belongs to the western branch of the Chibchan languages. You originally knew no writing, but took over from the Spaniards the characters. There is also a Bribri dictionary. In the first half of the 20th century a dictionary " Bribri German " was published, was probably not worked by German missionaries, at which further.

In the Bribri work mainly women, while men are responsible for hunting. For this, they must perform a ritual to clean their souls. To set the hunting area a shaman is consulted.

There are projects to allow for the Bribri better living standards.
