Brittany Byrnes

Brittany Anne Byrnes (born 31 July 1987) is an Australian actress who is mainly active in the Australian television productions.


Byrnes was trained from the age of four years in the Bradshaw Dancers Performing Arts Academy in Sydney. Her first film role was at the age of eight years in the film Babe.

After films and television series followed as In Search of Treasure Island, All Saints, mermaids and swimming upstream. For her role in the TV film Little Oberon Byrnes was first time in 2005 nominated for an AFI Award.

From 2007 to 2008 Byrnes appeared in the second season of the television series H ₂ O - Suddenly mermaid; For her role as unscrupulous Charlotte Watsford it was 2008 again nominated for the AFI Award.

By 2007, Byrnes was active as a cheerleader for the Rugby League team West Tigers from Sydney.

Filmography (selection)
