
With Broletto ( from Latin brolo = fenced yard ) is called in the Lombard cities since the 11th century a walled venue, were regulated in the urban affairs and above all legal transactions. It was later referred to as either the Broletto Palace of the Consuls of the respective ruler or generally the seat of the city council or the mayor.

The ground floor of such town hall was usually open, and in this hall were resulting court hearings held in public, in order to ensure uniformity of decisions. Often it was also - like an ancient basilica - used as a market hall. Upstairs there is often a single large hall to accommodate the citizens' assembly can.

In the following cities there are still examples of such palaces:

  • Arona
  • Brescia
  • Como: see Broletto (Como )
  • Lodi ( Lombardy )
  • Mantua
  • Milan
  • Monza
  • Novara
  • Orta
  • Pavia
  • Piacenza ( Palazzo Comunale, called " il Gotico " )

Pictures of Broletto
