Bronchiolitis obliterans

Under bronchiolitis obliterans refers to an inflammation that takes place at the level of the bronchioles. It is an inflammation of the small airways, and these so-called bronchioles are obstructed by granulation tissue. It comes to the obstruction with expiratory flow limitation. Sufferers of the disease have a limited lung volume as the body tried to heal the prior infection. He forms scar to the curb inflammation. These scars are very thick and padded, for this reason, the airways are often easily, rarely narrowed sharply.

Causes include previous infections, drugs, autoimmune diseases, previous transplants. Another possible cause is true, according to reports in the Washington Post in the butter flavor, occurring from microwave popcorn diacetyl. Indication is that the rare disease occurs more frequently among workers in factories for microwave popcorn. Therefore, it was created by the media, the term " Popcorn Workers Lung ". The formation of a fibrin exudation obstructed bronchioles and alveoli and distal leads to a disturbance of the gas exchange. The long term, a scarred Converted formation of collagen is formed which further narrows the bronchioles. The symptoms of this disease are flu- like, including the X-ray image can be interpreted in terms of a pneumonia. However, the localization of the visible in the radiograph infiltrates and attempts wanders antibiotic therapy remain unsuccessful. What is needed is a rapid and long-term cortisone therapy for at least six months, otherwise serious curves are possible.
