Brown earth

The brown earth (abbreviation of the German soil classification: BB), according to the international soil classification WRB Cambisols or Brunic Arenosols is a common soil type of the temperate humid climate with the horizon sequence Ah / Bv / C ( accumulation of humus < 15 mass % / iron oxidation, mineral formation / little or no loose or tight weathered rock layer ). Type Formative processes are the brunification and Verlehmung also in the subsoil horizon (B). Brown soils develop mainly of silicate, calcium-free or low lime parent rock. The Federal Association of the German Soil Science Society soil and have appointed the brown earth to the ground in 2008.

Position in soil classification

The brown soils form a class in the Department of Terrestrial soils in the German soil classification. Currently, the class includes only the type of soil brown earth. Previously also scored the type of Luvisols to this class. In the international soil classification WRB include the brown earth to the Cambisols and - if they consist of sands - Brunic Arenosols. In the U.S. Soil Taxonomy they belong mostly to the Entisols.


They arise from Ah / C soils, such rankers, Regosolen, Rendzinen and Pararendzinen, by a progressive soil development. To brown soils differ greatly in their characteristics depending on the parent rock. Brown soil from unconsolidated rocks such as boulder clay usually have an average base saturation and a medium to high available water capacity and are often used for arable farming.

Brown soils on siliceous bedrock on the slopes of the highlands are mostly shallow with a high stone content and low nutrient supply and the usable field capacity. They are usually used for forestry.

Brown soil subtypes

Depending on additional features and abundance of nutrients, a distinction include:

  • ( Standard ) Brown Earth with Ah / Bv / C - Profile
  • With A ( c ) h / BCV / C ( c ) - Profile
  • With Ah / Ah - Bv / ( Bv / ) C - Profile
  • With Ah / ( Ah ) Bfv / IC - or Ah / Ah - Bfv / II ... - Profile
  • With Ah / Bv / IIP / C - Profile
  • With Ah / Bv / ( Bv ) Sw / (II ) SD - or Ah / Bv Sw / (Sd - Bv / ) SD - Profile
  • With Ah / Bv / ( Bv - Go, Go - Bv / ) Go / Gr - Profile
  • With Ah / Bv / II ( Bv ) (r ) T / cC - Profile
  • With Ah / Bv / II ( Bv ) (r ) T / cC - Profile
  • With Ah / Bv / IIrBj / Cj / Cv - Profile
  • With Ah / Bv / IIrBu / Cj / Cv - Profile


The name was coined by Emil Brown Earth Ramann 1905 and initially covered by clay translocation embossed Lessivéböden. At times, more verlehmte brown soils were designated as Braunlehme.

Pictures of Brown earth
