Brumback's night monkey

The Brumback - Nachtaffe ( Aotus brumbacki ) is a primate of the group of night monkeys ( Aotidae ). It is named in honor of the American physician and naturalist Roger Brumback. Sometimes he is regarded as a subspecies of the Colombian owl monkeys.


Brumback Night monkeys are like all night monkeys relatively small primates - two weighted copies reached 0.5 and 0.9 kilograms. Their fur is gray on the top, the belly and the inside of limbs are reddish brown. The tail is bushy and longer than the body. The head is rounded and characterized as in all night monkeys by the big, brown eyes. These are surrounded by white boxes, stretch out along the head three dark stripes, each one outside of each eye and one on the forehead to the nose. From other closely related species, they differ in the bright color of their paws and in the number of chromosomes.

Distribution and habitat

Brumback Night monkeys are found only in Colombia, where they inhabit a relatively small lowland area east of the Andes. The exact proportions of their range outside the Departamento del Meta, however, are unclear. Their habitat is forests.

Way of life

Little is known about the habits of these animals, probably agrees with that of the other night monkeys match. Consequently, they are nocturnal and arboreal, the daytime sleep in tree hollows or among the lush vegetation. They move or jumping on all fours through the branches. Night monkeys live in monogamous family groups of two to five animals and inhabit solid grounds, which they defend against conspecifics. Their main diet consists of fruits, in addition they also eat leaves and insects. Avoid through their nocturnal lifestyle they compete with diurnal, more dominant species.


The ignorance of the exact distribution area complicates the assessment of the degree of hazard. In large parts of its range, however, their habitat is destroyed to create farmland, addition to the effects of armed conflict. The IUCN lists the species as "endangered" ( vulnerable ).
