Brusque (Santa Catarina)

Brusque on the map of Santa Catarina

Brusque is a fast-growing medium-sized town in the state of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil, and is located on the banks of the river Itajaí -Mirim between the cities of Blumenau in the northwest and Itajaí in the northeast, and is next to Joinville as one of the three centers of German colonization in Santa Catarina. It has 109,950 inhabitants ( 2012) to 283 km ².

History and urban development

The town was founded in 1860 as a result of taking place in the years 1845-1859 the second wave of immigration German to Brazil. Add to Brusque Emigrants from Schleswig -Holstein, Pomerania and Baden settled. After 1875, Italians and Poles settled.

At the time the town was founded in 1860 and lived in Brusque 54 German families. In 1887, 11,000 residents lived already in place. In 2000, the number of inhabitants had risen to 70,000.


Brusque is known as " The Cradle of spinning and weaving of Santa Catarina " and "The City of textiles". Because Brusque is the main center for the production of textile products in southern Brazil, in particular of clothing.

In the city there are three breweries: " Cervejaria do Lalo ", " Cervejaria Ten Beer " and " Beer Cervejaria Ten II".

Attractions and Events

Attractions in Brusque are the Azambuja Church, the cathedral " São Luis Gonzaga " and the Azambuja Museum (Museu de Azambuja ). Furthermore, there is an astronomical observatory, which is considered one of the best in Brazil.

Since 1986, every year the " Fenarreco " in October will take place. It is considered typical German festival; in 2012, it attracted more than 115,000 visitors.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Murilo Fischer ( born 1979 ), cyclist


  • Place in Santa Catarina
  • Brazilian- German relations