Bryan Sykes

Bryan Sykes ( born September 9, 1947) is a British professor of human genetics at Oxford University. He claims to have found that the descent of all Europeans on seven " primeval mothers ," which he, Ursula (approx. 11%), Xenia (about 6 %), Tara (about 9 %), Helena (approx. 47%) Katrine (about 6 %), Velda (about 5 %) and Jasmine (approx. 17%) called it, is due. They should have lived to around 45,000 ( Ursula ), or approximately 10,000 ( jasmine) years in Europe.

Sykes tested for mitochondrial DNA of thousands for Europeans and found only seven basic pattern. It also appears that traced back to an African woman from the so-called Lara family all " primeval mothers " were (see propagation of man).

Furthermore represents Sykes because he discovered that the mitochondrial DNA of these two ethnic groups almost identical, the theory that most of the inhabitants of the British Isles are descended from Spanish coastal residents. Since mitochondrial DNA is inherited only from the mother, this is not in contradiction with the additional ancestry of ( mostly male) Anglo-Saxon or Norman invaders.


  • The seven daughters of Eve. Luebbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach 2001, ISBN 3-7857-2060-2.
  • No future for Adam. Luebbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach 2003. ISBN 3-7857-2119-6.