Building biology

Building Biology is a collective term for the broad teachings of the relationship between people and their built environment, but also eco-friendly and pollution- free execution of the works by the use of appropriate knowledge and techniques.

The goal of a "healthy building and living " is to be achieved through considering physiological, psychological, architectural and physical- technical relationships and the interaction between structure, users ( residents ) and its environment. Building biological principles are in addition to the renovation and construction of housing also apply to buildings with high hygienic requirements such as school buildings, hospitals and kindergartens and buildings with long residence times of users such as offices.

The term " building biologist " is not protected by the state. This means that everyone, regardless of education or work experience, may call it.


As the founder of biology in Germany, a precursor of ecological construction, the doctor Hubert Palm, which was known by numerous lectures in the 1960s applies. His book " The Healthy House " is a basic work of building biology. Pioneering projects and the basic biological building architects circles emerged in the early 1970s, especially in southern Germany, including the Institute for Construction Biology in Rosenheim and the federal government for Architecture & Building Biology (BAB ), the precursor the Bund Architecture & Environment ( BAU) in Germany.


Biologists deal with the living and working environment of the people. Its field of activity extends from the advice on healthy living and sleeping, on the targeted analysis burdensome space factors to the distribution to biological knowledge through lectures, seminars, literature and congresses.

Building biologists conduct studies to demonstrably harmful factors such as pollutants and molds, often to physical quantities such as electric and magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves in the electromagnetic environmental or noise. They are used in particular by people who suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity, or other environmental interference, to complete. Interior factors can people charge differently depending on your personal constitution and preloads.

Another goal of green building is also the protection of natural resources and the promotion of responsible use of nature.

The biology develops internationally. Education and training opportunities, among other things exist already in America, England, Spain, Italy, Japan and the Netherlands.

Education and work

There is no state-approved vocational Baubiologe / in. The training for biologists carried out either in a free, guided by their own interest or self-study with the help of private training institutions whose course contents are only partly comparable.

Often, building biology services are offered as an additional qualification:

  • In the construction of architects, engineers and builders
  • In electrical engineering from electrical engineers and electricians
  • Healthcare and public health doctors, naturopaths
  • In research ( chemistry, biology, physics )

The term Baubiologe is not protected by the state. Therefore, anyone can, regardless of his education or relevant practical experience, to such designation. Also, some dowsers, commuters and other supporters of para-science call themselves biologists. Reputable providers work with scientifically recognized and reproducible measurement methods and show their expertise through continuing education after.

In Switzerland, since 1992, a training with federally recognized specialist certificate. It is conducted by the Cooperative Education office building biology and is a part-time modular Continuing the theme of biology dar. To date, approximately 250 people have completed the federal exam.

Pictures of Building biology
