
The Ross tail ( Ottoman طوغ, IA TUG; well توغ / TUG ) is a dignity characters in the Ottoman Empire 400 year used.

The Ross tail was already used in pre-Islamic times when the rider peoples of Central Asia, with Tatars, Mongols and Turkic peoples. The initially inserted on a plain rod badge featured at the time of its emergence probably the location of a tab leader. When the horse tail turned into a symbol and insignia of high Ottoman dignitaries as well as the design of the craft badge was expensive. The Ross tail was now attached to the upper end of a partially lathed and hollowed out at the bottom of the stem wood. This was covered with a patterned braid of different colored horse hair. The tip adorned with a golden ball. Some examples of this Ross tails are in the Badische Landesmuseum Karlsruhe in Karlsruhe collection Turks prey.

The number of horse tails, which could cause a dignitary of the Ottoman Empire, hung from his place in the hierarchy from: The Sultan claimed six, in case of war up to nine tails Ross. The Grand Vizier gebührten five, the three viziers. The majority governors ( Beylerbeyi ) from Anatolia (Asian Turkey) and Roumeli ( Southeast European Turkey) were awarded two Ross tails. Pasha also led three Ross tails two, in rare cases, the personal distinction. The Governors ( Bey or Sancakbey ) of the provinces featured a horse tail. The commander ( ağa ) of the Janissaries ranked on a par with the Pasha, which is why they also tion states two to three Ross tails.
