
Bunkai [ bɯnkai ] (Japanese分解, " analysis ", " cutting " ) is a form of training in karate training: to introduce the Karateka a better understanding of kata. Converting the effective Bunkai practical application is referred to as " Oyo ".

Bunkai is therefore application-specific sense determination of the kata. There are individual techniques on combinations and sequences to the complete kata applications thoughtful with your partner and executed.

While the Kata is a cipher, traditional military action program of karate, Bunkai is the deciphering of this program. The fighting techniques that have been compressed strung together and once disguised for reasons of protection are tried in Bunkai to fathom. Within the bunkai, the depth of understanding in Omote and Okuden distinction is made:

  • Omote denotes the outer, obvious application of the kata. This stage of understanding of the kata is as good as any available karateka who is serious with the techniques, step sequences (Japanese Embusen ) and combinations employed in the light of a practical Konnexes. This is the first level of understanding of the kata.
  • Okuden refers to the inner, hidden potential of the kata. This stage contains hidden, non-obvious applications of the kata and their techniques. Characteristic of this is a study of the vital spot stimulation and the meridian theory, with breathing techniques and Kime training, lever, handle, zwing, choking and throwing techniques. This understanding stage is much more complex, more complex and more difficult to understand than the Omote - stage.

Only the study of bunkai of the kata the karateka leads to the understanding of Kata. Bunkai has a highly creative character, because it forces the karateka to deal not merely with the form, but also with a practical sense of the fighting. In this respect, the bunkai increases the karateka in his abilities in several respects: First, the basic understanding of the movements is revealed, on the other hand is breathing, concentration, presence of mind, timing, and developed the eye and feel for the partner.

While the pure form ( kata) must not be changed, the application can vary depending on the design, as a basic movement can often be interpreted in several applications.
