
When drop is called the unauthorized intrusion into a restricted area at overcoming an obstacle. What is considered as an obstacle is defined by the applicable law. A break is usually done with the aim to gain possession of goods and / or information.

  • 7.1 See also
  • 7.2 Literature
  • 7.3 External links
  • 7.4 footnotes



After the German criminal offenses of § 243 ( particularly severe case of theft ) and § 244 (theft of weapons, band theft, burglary theft ) are respectively connected to the basic elements of § 242 into consideration. The burglary is the most common by far form.

For example, climbing over a bounding obstacle counts in terms of a test of courage, joy of climbing or objects around behind it to retrieve which are owned by the climber, in German law, not the slump, if no criminal motives are present and the obstacle is not damaged. At trespassing can be thought of as acting " burglar" enrichment without intention, but knowingly or avowedly unwelcome.


In Austria one commits by § 129 of the Criminal Code (theft by burglary or armed ) a criminal offense. An offense " burglary " but does not appear in the German legal sphere. Burglary is always coupled to other motives or facts, such as theft, trespass or criminal damage to obstacles or the attempt thereof.


Who committed a burglary in Switzerland, makes itself under Article 139 of the Penal Code for theft, trespass, and / or additionally punishable criminal damage.


Doors and windows are often broken in burglaries with tools or propped open - a common case of weak strike plates and small rolling pin perpetrators of working. Very often it comes to attacks on the lock cylinder of cylinder locks. Locking cylinders are an important part of the door security. However, you can only in the system unit - lock, lock cylinder, fitting - provide cover. With burglaries lock cylinder being attacked in various ways. Therefore, you must provide against the perpetrators procedures Cancel, boring, Nachschließen and drag protection.

The details are:

  • Breaking up / levering the door or window with tools in the closure area or the hinge side
  • Door leaf breakdown with physical violence ( Glas-/Holzfüllung )
  • Attacks on locks and fittings or the lock cylinder
  • Open the door with a key
  • Bohrangriffe the window handle area / Olive
  • Glass strike, reach through and unlock

Under a Hot Work is defined as the modus operandi regarding the angegangenen object. This fire ( welding ) will be used. However, A Cold work is the use of tools ( pry ).

Groups of offenders

According to police reports, there are three groups of offenders: offender professional from Belgium, France, Eastern Europe and South Eastern Europe, local perpetrators and perpetrators who finance their addiction through drug related crime. High police presence on the streets and challenge inspections impacted particularly on the first group; the numbers are much higher than lower than in the north of Bavaria and Baden- Württemberg.

Psychological consequences

In addition to the material loss suffered by many injured by the violent intrusion of their privacy to stress disorders such as anxiety disorders, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, nervousness as well as strong feelings of powerlessness, shame and anger. These and other symptoms than to experience recurring images, can cause post-traumatic stress disorder after prolonged persistence. The personal suffering can be so strong that the indication for psychotherapy is given.

General prevention

Measures for burglary protection to prevent unauthorized entry into a locked room or area. Dips can be made more difficult by creating obstacles ( fences, doors, security systems ) and an increase in safety, for example by patrol service, . Large companies building or terrain can also be secured by a night watchman, individuals and businesses protect their property often by intrusion detection systems, or a presence simulation.

Statistical data on burglary crime

The experience of the police and insurance companies show:

  • In over half of all burglaries doors and windows are propped open with the simplest of means or overcome (eg with a screwdriver).
  • About 40 percent of burglaries take place in Germany during the day.
  • Burglaries take place in the presence of residents increased.
  • In Germany, the number of failed burglaries increased from 28.3% in 1993 to 38.5 % in 2011. The number of unreported here but is probably high, since tests are not often displayed.
  • The damage amounted to 369.5 million euros in 2011.
  • 73.9 % of the suspects are German.

Burglars use in single and multi- family houses of different vulnerabilities:

The clear-up rate is low at a burglary. She was in Germany in 1973, 20.3 % (only the Federal Republic of Germany ), 1993 13.8% 2012 15.7%. Compared to 2011, this is even a decline of 0.5 percent. Especially often was broken into households in Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig -Holstein and North Rhine -Westphalia in 2011.

The interior minister of North Rhine -Westphalia said in March 2010:

  • "More and more burglars fail because of the establish safeguards arrangements " - 2009 in NRW 16,086 - times. These are 1,235 offenses ( 8.3 percent) more than in 2008. " More and more people protect their property better."
  • 25 029 fully ended domestic burglaries were displayed in NRW 2 009, 1,878 more than in the previous year ( 8.1 percent). In the year 1995, there were most domestic burglaries. This number lay in order 16,819 cases and thus 30 percent higher than 2009.

