Burgruine Rauhenstein (Baden)


The ruins Rauhenstein in Baden near Vienna

The ruins rough stone situated in the northeast of the Helental Schwechat, in the district of Baden, near Vienna. It was probably, as well as the neighboring castle ruins Rauheneck, built in the 12th century by the knights of Tursen. She was always inhabited by robber barons and destroyed frequently and rebuilt.

At its final decay, however, carries the roof control from the 18th century guilt. At that time, many castles were abgedacht, as calculated this form of building control after the roof surface of buildings. Conservation work on the ruins, which were well received by the sense of the spa industry, made ​​in 1881.

Since the year 1993, on the ruins Rauhenstein the so-called " Ruinenfestl " celebrated from 30 April to 1 May ( Walpurgis Night ).

Furthermore, a troop of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of the group swimming in the age Guides & Scouts is named after the castle.

At the foot of the ruins, Villa Rauhenstein.
