Burn notice (document)

As Burn Notice, documents and communications referred to, in which reports on the unreliability of an agent or intelligence service employee in the field of intelligence. This information can come from both foreign intelligence services as well as employees of their own service. There are reasons for a lot of Burn Notice, including the defection of an agent. According to the notification of the employee is no longer used and is considered to be burned. All information from this source should also be destroyed ( burnt), this approach is also reason for the naming of the note.

Under the name of Burn Notice there is an American television series, whose protagonist at the beginning of the series receives such a message, trying to determine their source.


  • Rafid Ahmed Alwan, classified as an unreliable informant after a burn notice.
  • Manouchehr Ghorbanifar, an Iranian arms dealer and middleman in the Iran - Contra affair, due to a Burn Notice from the CIA classified as unreliable.