Burning of Judas

When Judas burning, burning Judas, Jaudusbrennen, Jaurusbrennen or - fire is called the Christian custom to burn as part of an Easter fire on Holy Saturday, a doll or a tree that represents Judas Iscariot.

Judas burning is common in many regions and often associated with making the Jewish people responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. In the late Middle Ages, it had come to actual pogrom -like burning of Jews, so in 1298 in the cities of Franconia and Swabia, 1338 in Deggendorf, 1348 in Strasbourg, in 1421 in Vienna ( "Wiener Gesera " ) and in 1453 in Breslau.

In Germany the custom of burning Judas was especially widespread in southern Germany, and is still practiced especially in recent times in the region of old Bavaria.

After accused during the Greek Revolution in the Turks conquered cities and thousands of collaboration Jews had been murdered, occurred in 1832 founded Kingdom of Greece in connection with Judas burns again outbreaks against Jews. In Chile, the Judas figures was provided prior to combustion with the trains resident Jews and Jewish families placed in front of houses.

Also in Brazil by population, and hung against the will of the official Church and priests under the so-called " Queima do Judas" dolls gallows, burnt or detonated with explosives.
