Business analysis

Goal of business analysis (BA or Business Analysis ) is to understand structures, principles and business processes of a company. It should be recommended solutions that enable the company to improve these structures, principles and processes. Examples of solutions are optimized work processes, changes in organizational structure, use of IT. The business analysis to determine needs of different individuals or groups (stakeholders) within and outside the company.

Persons who perform business analysis are referred to as Business Analyst ( eng. Business Analysts ). Roles with the same or similar tasks are eg ( Business ) System Analyst, Requirements Engineer, business analysts, Business Architect, Management Consultant or organizer.


For business analysis it is necessary to understand

  • How companies operate,
  • How they achieve their goals,
  • The potential that a company needs to offer external and internal stakeholders products and services,
  • Which targets a company pursues,
  • What relationship this Company goals are to requirements,
  • Which measures and solutions are suitable to meet the objectives,
  • How different organizational units and internal and external target support (stakeholders) interact there.

Business analysis can analyze the current state of a company and describe and / or identify the requirements of a desired future state. Raise business analysts, organize and process to needs of different individuals and groups (eg, customers, employees, IT professionals and executives). The securing and improving communication between the various stakeholders plays an essential role. Then, solutions are developed and evaluated to meet the requirements and to achieve the goals. Often these solutions are IT support or direct IT solutions (eg new or improved software, the use of workflow systems ). Therefore, the needs of internal departments and external customers with the opportunities that provides IT are to match. Because different (technical) terms are used in business and IT department, business analysts often serve as an "interpreter ".

Areas of responsibility

The areas of responsibility of business analysis are:

  • Requirements Analysis: prioritize requirements, structure (selection of text, graphics and / or model for the documentation of requirements), specify (requirements in text form document ), modeling (requirements with graphics / models document ), verify ( check on the quality of content ), validate ( inspected for compliance with the objectives ).
  • Requirements Management & Communication: Manage requirements and communicate ( reusable requirements identify, collate requirements, prepare requests for approval to manage changes in requirements ).
  • Business Analysis Planning & Controlling: Planning of business analysis work ( planning of tasks to be completed, communication, requirements management ).
  • Survey: requirements of the stakeholders determine.
  • Basic skills: use oral and written communication skills, use analytical expertise related to corporate and industry knowledge.
  • Solution Assessment & Validation: Check proposed solutions or used, whether they cover the identified needs.
  • Company Analysis: determine the actual status of the company and possible solutions as improvements sketch (existing problems / opportunities describe, define your goals, analyze existing performance potential and competency gaps, design solutions that define the solution scope, create business case ).