Bussa language

Spoken in

Afro - Asiatic languages

  • Cushitic languages Ostkuschitische languages


Cus ( Other Cushitic )


Bussa (or Muusiye ) is a ostkuschitische language Dirashe the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People in South Ethiopia by 6624 people region (according to the census in 1998) is spoken in the Woreda.

The speakers themselves call their language Mossittaata. It is possible to distinguish between the variants North and West Bussa.

Bussa is strongly influenced by the surrounding Cushitic languages ​​and omotischen and should be viewed as an endangered language, according Gurmu ( 2005). Speaker of Nordbussa go to Oromo, Kidole ( Diraytata ) or Amharic, whereas speakers of Westbussa to omotischen languages ​​Zargulla, Zayse and Gamo change. Important reasons for this are marrying other races, and strong contact with neighboring people.

Pictures of Bussa language
