Bussa (Nigeria)

Bussa was a city in the west of Nigeria and is flooded by the Kainji Reservoir since 1968.

Bussa was the capital of the north of Borgu. The city lay on the Niger River, near the rapids that restricted the navigability of the Niger for larger vessels. On his second expedition through Africa, the British explorer Mungo Park was driving along the Niger to Bussa, where he was in 1806, probably fighting with locals killed. From 1894 to 1898 Bussa was the subject of a territorial Disputes between Great Britain and France; the city finally ended in June 1898 the United Kingdom.

The construction of the Kainji Dam from 1964 to 1968 required the resettlement of about 42,000 people, which began in 1962. In the area of today's Kainji dam there were 192 settlements, of which 121 were newly built ones higher area. Bussa was thereby further built as New Bussa south.
