
Byleist (also Bileistr Old Norse. Byleipt, Byleistr, thunder lightning, storm - solver ') is a Jöte ( giant) from Norse mythology. He is the brother of Loki and Helblindi and the son of Joeten Farbauti and Laufey. Apart from this relationship, which is called Snorri Sturluson in Gylfaginning chapter 35, nothing about Byleist is known.

In some texts the Edda as Kenning the expression Brodir Býleists is for Loki ( Byleists brother) used: Völuspá 51, Hyndlulióð 40, Skáldskaparmál 16

Even in the manuscripts of the Edda Snorra spelling varies between Býleistr (Codex Regius, Codex Wormianus ) Blýleistr (Codex Trajectinus ) and Býleiptr (Codex Upsaliensis ).


  • Germanic legendary figure
  • Giant ( mythology)