Byrum's raukar

IUCN Category III - Natural Monument or Feature

Raukensteine ​​at Byrum

Byrums raukar (German rauks of Byrum ) is a Raukgebiet on the west coast of the Swedish island of Öland in the vicinity of the village Byrum.

In the also declared a nature reserve area on the banks of the Kalmar Strait about 120 of these tendrils are called limestone pillars. The largest of the pillars are about four feet tall. The columns formed by the erosion caused by sea waves softer limestones.

In particular, in the southern part of the reserve to find fossils. So Ortoceratiten and trilobites were found. The sparse vegetation grows in the small barren nature reserve. Only adapted to drought and plenty of light plants are native.

Pictures of Byrum's raukar
