Cabinet Office (Japan)

The Cabinet Office and Cabinet Office (Japanese内阁 府, naikaku -fu, Eng. Cabinet Office ) is an authority in the Japanese Cabinet. It is subordinate to the Prime Minister and supported him and his cabinet in the performance of their duties. In addition to the Cabinet Secretariat in coordinating the activities of the ministries. In addition, a number of authorities are assigned to it, including the Imperial Household Agency, the National Public Safety Commission (国家 公安 委员会, kokka Kōan iinkai ) that the Competition Commission (公正 取 引 委员会, Kosei torihiki iinkai ), the police authority (警察 庁, keisatsu -chō ) and the kinyū -chō (金融 庁, German Finance authority, responsible for the regulation of the financial and banking sector ). There is a year out of the White Paper of the Japanese economy. The Cabinet Office was created in its present form in 2001 with the reform of the central government

In addition, the Cabinet Office are formally and thus in the household also associated with a number of ministers of state, the non-departmental (省, shō ) project, the Tanto Tokumei daijin (特命 担当 大臣), German as " Minister for Special Tasks ". Their number is not fixed, but three ministers are in naikaku -fu setchi - hō, the "Law for the establishment of the Cabinet Office ," even explicitly states: for Okinawa and the conflict over the South Kuril Islands ( Japan officially " Northern Territories " ), for finance and for Consumer Protection and food Safety. There or was it for, among other more Minister for Special Tasks:

  • Economic and Fiscal Policy (経 済 财政 政策, keizai - zaisei - seisaku ) as a successor to the Prime Minister as Head of the Economic Planning Agency, keizai - kikaku -chō, which was integrated into the Cabinet Office 2001,
  • Science and technology policy, (科学 技术 政策, kagaku - gijutsu - seisaku ) as a successor to the Prime Minister as head of the Science and Technology Authority, kagaku - gijutsu -chō, which was integrated into the Ministry of Culture in 2001
  • Civil Protection (防灾, bosai ).

Some ministers positions for special tasks such as the original two- Minister of declining birth rates and gender equality have been repeatedly re-cut or renamed. Several were 2009 newly created after the power loss of the LDP, including the responsibilities for new institutions at the Cabinet Office: "Strategy Conference for regional sovereignty" ( chiiki Shuken Senryaku kaigi ) and the " Conference on the renewal of the administration" ( Gyosei sasshin kaigi ).
