Cabo Frio

Cabo Frio on the map of Brazil

Cabo Frio is a municipality in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. In 2006 lived in Cabo Frio 165 591 people on 400.69 km ².

The municipality and town of the same name located 4 meters above the sea level. Cabo Frio was founded in 1615. In the immediate neighborhood of Cabo Frio is the modern resort of Buzios.

Cabo Frio thrives on tourism and is known for its beautiful Atlantic beaches:

  • Forte beach ( portuguese praia do forte )
  • Peró beach ( portuguese praia do Peró )
  • São Bento beach ( portuguese praia São Bento )
  • Siqueira beach ( portuguese praia do Siqueira )
  • Of Southwest beach ( portuguese praia do Sudoeste )
  • Dunas beach ( portuguese praia das Dunas )
  • Foguete beach ( portuguese praia do Foguete )
  • Palmeiras beach ( portuguese praia das Palmeiras )
  • Unamar beach ( portuguese praia de Unamar ).


Anjos - Convention

Immaculate Conception Church

St. Benedict's Church


Boats on Itajuru channel
