Cabochien Revolt

As Cabochiens are generally the most radical partisans of Bourguignons during the reign of Charles VI. the madman has broken out in France the civil war between the Armagnacs and Burgundian called. In a narrower sense, it is the participant of the bloody uprising that raged in Paris from April 27 to August 2, 1413.

The name derives from the leaders of the movement Simon Le Coustelier called Simonnet or Simon Caboche, from, one of Skinner located at the Church of Saint Jacques de la Boucherie slaughterhouse ( escorcheur de vache à Boucherie Saint- Jacques), since the start of the conflict close links with the Duke of Burgundy John the Fearless entertained.

The movement of the Cabochiens was the result of a long-festering discontent that arose on the one hand from the states in the administration, on the other hand, from the extravagance and excesses in the vicinity of the irresponsible king, which were mainly accused his wife Isabeau and his brother Louis of Orléans. Following a meeting on 30 January 1413 Estates General of Langue d' oïl attempted a reform with which the old rules of financial management should be re-enacted. A commission was set up, which drew up the disposal on 26 May that had nothing revolutionary about it, since they essentially only from a systematic compilation of the various orders of the kings Charles V and Charles VI. existed.

At the same time reached different groups of the population of Paris, especially the butchers, who were in the citizenship poorly integrated, after riots, threats and hostage-taking from the environment and the family of the king's political concessions. This violent action directed by the reform movement from that moved within the public order, and compromised them and their leaders, such as John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, and a number of university teachers as Jean Courtecuisse and Pierre Cauchon, the and a fundamental reform of the state Although the administration wanted, but had in this regard held back.

The situation turned in early August, when it became the United citizenship under the direction of Jean Jouvenel again to prevail against a part of the common people. The Duke of Burgundy fled, he was followed by his principal followers, and Caboche. The party of the Armagnacs turned her reign on in the city, now a terrorist act followed in the other.

The Armagnacs conceded the reform Regulation on September 5, which has now also derided as cabochienne because they saw a connection between the popular movement and the work of the State Commission.

See also: Paris in the Middle Ages, Treaty of Pontoise ( 1413 )
