
The term Cacerolazo is called in Venezuela, Chile and Argentina, a vocal form of protest, which uses mainly the middle class. International attention was this form of demonstration during the last major economic crisis in Argentina to part. The name comes from Cacerola (Spanish for pot), as an essential feature of these demonstrations the generation of noise, especially on the demonstrators brought pots and pans is. This is often expressed that "the empty pots " are, ie there is nothing more to eat. The protest form is due to the displeasure of the Chilean middle class women to Allende's government periods in which they protested against the food shortages and corresponding rationing under his socialist government.

But even against the subsequent dictatorship of Pinochet in Chile in the 80s then expressed later this form of mass protests that took place in 2011 apply also in the massive student protests.

Although this form of protest is mostly applied to the road, there is no need necessarily to go on the road. It is therefore particularly suitable to mobilize people for the protest that never would take part in a classic demonstration. Especially in the final stage of President Fernando de la Rúa after freeze all bank deposits, there were several cacerolazos and so-called Apagones ( conscious, a massive turn off all domestic lighting to create a certain night time), which were attended by large sections of the middle class.

The largest and most famous Cacerolazo took place on 19 and December 20, 2001 held at the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires and led to the resignation of then President Fernando de la Rúa. Thus, the height of the economic crisis was reached, it was followed by a period of instability in the within just 13 days, five people should hold the office of president of Argentina Fernando de la Rúa Ramón Puerta, Adolfo Rodriguez Saa, Eduardo Camaño and Eduardo Duhalde.

The Cacerolazo is a fixed element of anti-government protests in Argentina. During the year 2002, the term was taken in Venezuela, where the middle class also demonstrated with pots against the policies of President Hugo Chávez.
