
As typhlitis (Greek: typhlós - blind) inflammation of the cecum and ascending colon is called (first third of the colon ), and sometimes also of the terminal ileum. Synonymous with the terms Neutropenic colitis, Ileozökalsyndrom, Zökitis and Necrotizing enteropathy be used. The disease has nothing to do with appendicitis or a Perityphlitischen abscess, which in the context of appendicitis may arise. It is an inflammatory and sometimes necrotizing process of the involved bowel segments, which usually occur after chemotherapy of malignant disease in the context of neutropenia. First, the typhlitis has been described in children with leukemia undergoing chemotherapy. Clinically, apart from the above mentioned conditions, fever and tenderness in the right lower abdomen in the foreground. The clinical picture in children ( under an AML or ALL) more often than to find in adults. Imaging technique shows an edematous widening of the intestinal wall, which computed tomography has a compression of the mucosa. In barium enema shows a concomitant with a narrowing process at the level of the cecum. Under certain circumstances occurs pneumatosis intestinalis.

  • Oncology
  • Disease in visceral surgery
  • Colon