Cajo project

The Caio project is a small, free Java class library. It enables cooperation between multiple virtual machines. The aim is to simplify the use of the RMI.

This will be achieved the simplification over RMI as follows.

As with the introduction of Java 5.0 no RMI compiler is also necessary, this API should become less important.

Code Example

The following example shows a simple server that simply transmits only the string " Hello Client" to the client, where the name of the client is passed by parameter. The "main" method starts the server.

Import gnu.cajo.invoke.Remote; import gnu.cajo.utils.ItemServer;   public class MyServer {        public String hello (String client) {          return " Hello " client;      }        public static void main (String args [ ]) {          try {              Remote.config (null, 1198, null, 0);              ItemServer.bind (new MyServer (), " anyName ");          } Catch (Exception e ) {              e.printStackTrace ();          }      }   } The matching client might look like this, where " server host " is the name of the machine on which the server is running:


The elimination of the generation of client stub and server skeleton code since Java 5, even when using RMI also possible, so that the second advantage is no longer significant.

The source code is licensed under the LGPL (v3 or later) available.

On 5 August 2005, the organization IANA awarded after more than a year and detailed control of the project Caio official port number 1198th
