Calculator spelling

As Beghilos referred to an alphabet of letters, obtained from inverted seven- segment characters: B, E, G / g, h, I, L, O and S. Sometimes the letter Z Will be added. The name was formed by analogy with the terms and Abc alphabet.

Digits and the ensuing letters

The following table shows, for any seven-segment digits give the letters.

In a seven- segment display looks like this:

If, for example, the number 31907018 on the head, the result is the word BIOLOGY. If the zero in the first place, a comma must be entered with a calculator after zero.


  • A Space - rock band named 35007 ( LOOSE ).
  • The British rock band The Hollies published in 1979 an album entitled Five Three One - Double Seven O Four, shown in figures 5,317,704 ( Hollies ). The album cover shows, among other things, an upside-down calculator with said sequence of digits.
  • As a result, the Gaga - gas the animated series SpongeBob SquarePants Plankton developed a gas that makes an adult a baby. When he tested it on his computer Karen, it becomes a calculator with the number 0.7734 ( hELLO ).