Caleu Caleu Department

The department Caleu Caleu located in the southeast of the province of La Pampa in the center of Argentina and is one of 22 administrative units in the province.

To the north it borders on the Departamento HuCAL, on the east by the province of Buenos Aires, on the south by the province of Río Negro and to the west by the Departamento Lihuel Cahel.

The capital of the department Caleu Caleu is La Adela.


According to estimates by the INDEC, the population of inhabitants (2001 ) rose to 2,390 inhabitants in 2005.

Cities and Towns

The municipal boundaries are in the province of La Pampa often not identical with the boundaries of departments. In this case, the Department Caleu Caleu includes sub-areas of the town La Adela (including the capital), and part of the communes Bernasconi, General San Martín and Jacinto Aráuz that have their capital cities located in adjacent departments.

  • La Adela

Atreucó | Caleu Caleu | Capital | Catriló | Chalileo | Chapaleufú | Chical Co | Conhelo | Curaco | Guatrache | HuCAL | Lihuel Calel | Limay Mahuida | Loventué | Maracó | Puelén | Quemu Quemu | Rancul | Realico | Toay | Trenel | Utracán

  • Department (La Pampa )