California Spangled

The California Spangled is a cat breed that was bred to get spotted wild cats like ocelot or leopard in the apartment. The breed was started in the 1970s. She was and is a rare breed and had a rate 800-2500 dollars. The popularity of two other getupfter cat breeds ( Ocicat and Bengal ) overshadowed their development. So it's gone both from all organizations of cat breeders, in which it was recognized, as well as from the offerings of the cat breeders themselves. Breeding efforts in this breed cat are present only in its infancy.

The anthropologist Louis Leakey experienced the death of a leopard by poachers. Thus he suggested the Californian Paul Arnold Casey Jr. to breed a domestic cat that looks like a small leopard. This would emphasize the need to protect the leopards. Casey died on 23 April 2007 in Los Angeles, California. He was 60 years old.

The California Spangled is a hybrid of many races, such as the Abyssinian, American Shorthair and British Shorthair.

Physical characteristics

At first glance, the cat looks like a little leopard. She has a long, slender but muscular body with polka dots. The spots should be as round as possible, but can also be square, triangular, oval or rectangular. The head is rounded, with strongly pronounced strong muzzle, prominent cheekbones and large whisker pads. The ears are rounded and slightly outward.

The colors of the California Spangled are: black, blue, gold, silver, bronze or white. Although California clamping money to see wild, but are pure domestic cats and love to play with their people.


Paul Arnold Casey Jr., a screenwriter and playwright who founded the breed after his return from Tanzania, where he had worked with Louis Leakey in the 1970s. In the novella Open the Coffin his trip to Africa and the subsequent breeding of the California Spangled is recorded.

The cat was referred because of their appearance as " House Leopard". The reason for the breeding of this breed called the breeder that people would not want to wear the coat that has their pet.

The California Spangled was first introduced in 1986 in the Christmas catalog of Neiman Marcus, an American chain of luxury department stores, so not on a cat show as is the case with most other breeds.


California Spangled are affectionate, social, curious and devote themselves entirely to their owners. They are very sensitive to eye contact and love to be active. They like to sit on the shoulder or at eye level, so that they can see exactly what is going on around them. The cats are known for their intelligence, their athletic ability, her great energy and their acrobatic skills. California Spangled pounce on all kinds of things and have a strong hunting instinct. They also like games where their owner is a large proportion.
