Callimachus (sculptor)

Callimachus was a Greek sculptor and bronze caster of unknown origin, who worked mainly in Athens BC in the last quarter of the 5th century.

As works of his are mentioned in ancient literature: Dancing Spartan women; a seated Hera in Plataea; a golden lamp that burned day and night in the Erechtheion on the Acropolis of Athens. Especially him the invention of the Corinthian capital, and thus the Corinthian order is attributed. He also is said to have worked as a painter. None of these works is obtained only by the dancing Spartan women there are probably later replicas as a relief. Other attributions are hypothetical.

Callimachus has been working hard to improve the technology and sculptor should have been, who has worked with the drill the first. He was never satisfied with his work, but feilte and improved continually on them around.

In Roman times there was another sculptor named Callimachus, who came from Athens and is known for his signatures on preserved works.
