Calosoma auropunctatum

Gold Dot Dolls robber ( Calosoma auropunctatum )

The Gold Dot Dolls robber ( Calosoma auropunctatum ) is a beetle of the family of ground beetles ( Carabidae ) and belongs to the genus of the dolls robber ( Calosoma ). Previously, the species was designated as subspecies C. maderae auropunctatum of Calosoma maderae.


The animals are 18 to 30 millimeters long and have a coppery color to black. On their finely structured elytra each run three rows of golden red or green dots. Unlike the other species of the genus the gold point Dolls robbers have strongly curved rails ( tibia ) to the middle and rear legs.


The animals come in Europe, except in the west and southwest, east through Asia Minor and Central Asia to Mongolia and western China before. The species is in Germany, apart from some areas of Brandenburg, very rare and therefore classified as high risk. They live on sandy and clay fields, dry meadows, thickets or in Heiden.

Way of life

Unlike the other puppet predator- types of the gold point Dolls robbers do not climb trees, but fishes exclusively on the ground. He is a good runner and hunts during the day caterpillars, beetle larvae and snails. Hibernation takes place as Imago.

Pictures of Calosoma auropunctatum
