
The Mexican state of Campeche occupies the western third of the Yucatan Peninsula and was organized in 1857 as an independent unit. It is bordered on the west by Tabasco, on the south by Guatemala, to the east of Quintana Roo and the northeast by the state of Yucatán. It has an area of 57,924 km ² with a population of approximately 822,000.

It consists to a large extent from inaccessible rain forests, but has in the far west portion of the oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico.

The area of the state was coined in pre-Columbian times by the Maya. Your former city Edzná together with the most important archaeological site of Calakmul, Campeche. To the southeast, on the border with Quintana Roo the ruins of the Río Bec group lie ( the largest of which Xpuhil ), the most distinctive feature of so-called "pseudo pyramids " are.

Cities and Towns

The State is divided into eleven Municipalities.

Largest city in the state whose capital is San Francisco de Campeche ( Campeche also briefly ) with about 220,000 inhabitants. Other cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants are Ciudad del Carmen, Champotón, Escárcega, Calkiní, Dzitbalché and Hecelchakán.
