Canada Day

July 1st is the Canadian National (English: Canada Day; French: Fête du Canada ) and is reminiscent of the formation of Canada (as the state of the British Commonwealth ) by the British North America Act on July 1, 1867.


The British North America Act 1867 very laid the so-called Dominion of Canada, the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were members.

1879 July 1 was officially declared a public holiday and called Dominion Day. The concept of Canadian origin rewrote the new political unity arrived at a time when the Fathers of Confederation were still hesitating to use a name with the character of a Unabhängigkeitsbestrebung. The name of the holiday was changed on 27 October 1982 in Canada Day, mainly with reference to the recently adopted Canada Act of the same year.

On Dominion Day 1923, the Chinese Immigration Act of that year came into force. Until the law was repealed in 1947, the Chinese designated July 1 as Humiliation Day ( dt: Date of humiliation ) and refused to celebrate the national holiday.

The Canada Day is celebrated today by all provinces and supported as a non-working day by virtually all employers. In Québec, July 1 additionally considered as " moving day ", as most rental agreements expire on July 1, and move many people.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, July 1 is also celebrated as Memorial Day in memory of the great losses of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment during the Battle of the Somme in the First World War.

Festivities and activities

Organize Many cities and towns across the country and organizing celebrations on Canada Day. These festivals are held outdoors and include parades, carnivals, festivals, air and naval shows, fireworks, free music concerts, and ceremonies for newly naturalized Canadian citizen. There are no general requirements for the event. It is decentralized and the organization and events are not centralized place.

However, the biggest celebration focuses on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. At this ceremony also attended by the Prime Minister of Canada and the Governor General of Canada as well as other politicians and well-known people. In addition, further smaller events within Ottawa such as in Gatineau will take place.
