
Caorso is a municipality with 4859 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in the province of Piacenza.

In Caorso agricultural and small businesses are located. The 1990 disconnected Caorso nuclear power plant is used today (2010) as a storage facility for radioactive waste. A General Electric manager suggested before in 2010 to stop the demolition and to reactivate the nuclear power plant.

After the nuclear disaster at Fukushima ( March 2011), the resignation of longtime Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in November 2011 and two earthquakes in the region (May 2012 ), this is considered extremely unlikely.

The official patron saint of the parish is S. Maria Assunta. Traditionally revered the population of San Rocco and regarded him as the real patron saint.

Pictures of Caorso
