Cape Floristic Region

The eight protected areas in the Cape Floral Region are in the provinces of Western Cape and Eastern Cape in South Africa.

They are since 2004 a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The total area of ​​eight separate protected areas is 553,000 acres.

The entire Cape Floral Kingdom ( capensis) comprises only one half of one percent the size of Africa, but applies with almost a fifth of plant species in Africa, of which nearly a third are endemic, as a region with the richest flora in the world.

In the fynbos vegetation type mentioned numerous strategies of reproduction and seed dispersal by birds and insects as well as matches are found to bushfires. Thus, it is of unique value for the study of ecological and biological processes.

Other ecosystems are Renosterveld, Succulent Karoo and Strandveld.

The eight protected areas are:

  • Table Mountain National Park;
  • Cederberg Wilderness Area;
  • Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Area;
  • Boland Mountain Complex;
  • De Hoop Nature Reserve
  • Boosmansbos Nature Reserve;
  • Swartberg Complex
  • Baviaanskloof Mega - Reserve