Capitoline Triad

The Capitoline triad refers to the Trinity of the Roman gods Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, the most important deities of the Romans. A sanctuary of this triad is called the Capitol. In such a temple three rooms ( cellae ) were assigned to one of the three divinities and provided with a corresponding cult image. Such shrines existed in several cities of the Roman Empire. The most important and actual Capitol but was on the Capitoline Hill in Rome.

Prior to the Capitoline Triad was probably a trinity of Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus, the so-called archaic triad was worshiped. In addition, there was as equivalent of the Capitoline Triad, whose cult was dominated by patrician priests who Aventinische triad consisting of Ceres, Liber and Libera, in whose cult and worship dominated the plebeians.
