
The Cardia - Cardia actually ulcer or pars cardiaca, Germanized also cardia - is the region of the stomach, in which the two-layered esophagus muscle merges into the three-layered stomach muscles. It is therefore also known as the lower esophageal sphincter (lower esophageal sphincter ) or stomach mouth and represents the entrance area of the stomach is Is swallowing ended with the opening of the cardia and its closure after the passage of the Speisebissens (bolus ). A brief opening of the cardia other hand, allows the belching and vomiting.

In contrast to the muscular basis of the cardia as a functional unit, the transition from the squamous epithelium of the esophagus to the columnar epithelium of the stomach is not a constant limit dar. So also the area with the so-called Kardiadrüsen ( a subset of the gastric glands ) in many mammals unrelated to the entrance to the stomach.


External and internal influences the stress state ( tone ) to increase or decrease the gastric cardia:

  • Tonussteigernd act, an increased pH of gastric contents (less stomach acid), an increased proportion of protein in the meal as well as the gastrointestinal peptide hormones gastrin, motilin and substance P
  • Tonusmindernd act -fat meals, peppermint oil, the chocolate and coffee beverages as well as alcohol and nicotine.

Being overweight can also lead to and for itself sufficient stress state of the sphincter by the increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, especially when lying down to its "blowing up ".


Inadequate closure function ( Kardiainsuffizienz ) allows a backflow of chyme from the stomach or (more often) the passage of stomach acid into the esophagus ( gastro- oesophageal reflux ). Possible consequences are an acid reflux disease, which can lead to the development of reflux oesophagitis at about ten percent of those affected. In case of defect healing from it arises again, the Barrett's syndrome.

Can not be sufficiently open the lower esophageal sphincter, it is called achalasia.

  • Digestive Disorders
  • Stomach

Pictures of Cardia
