Cardiac ventriculography

The ventriculography or angiography (Latin ventriculus, small belly, Greek γραφή, manuscripts, letters) is a medical screening method. The term is now used largely synonymously with the Lävokardiografie or chromatography (Latin laevo, left, Greek - pathol. Καρδία, cardia or Latinized cardia, and heart). This is used for the diagnosis of wall motion and the size of the left, rarely also the right ventricle during a cardiac catheterization. Medicine Historically, the term was also used for other investigations.


A pigtail catheter is introduced through the aorta and aortic valve into the top of the left ventricle. In the study of the right heart, the catheter is advanced via the inferior vena cava large, on the right atrium and the tricuspid valve into the right main chamber. During the administration of iodinated X-ray contrast agent, a film ( 12.5 frames / sec. ) Is created over several cardiac cycles with X-rays.

In the following evaluation of any wall motion abnormalities ( hypokinesia, dyskinesia, akinesia, aneurysm) can be assessed in systole. Furthermore, the determination of end-diastolic and systolic volume by planimetry and here on the calculation and the ejection volume ( ejection volume, ejection fraction ) are possible.

Recently, a possible leakage ( insufficiency) of the mitral valve, also limited the tricuspid valve, be assessed semi- quantitatively.

Other meanings

  • Radionuclide ventriculography is one that is now largely supplanted by echocardiography, nuclear medicine, see also Radionuklidangiografie.
  • As cerebral ventriculography one today obsoletes radiographic examination process for the preparation of the cerebral ventricles is called, see also Pneumoencephalogramm.