Carduus acanthoides

Way - thistle ( Carduus acanthoides )

The path - thistle ( Carduus acanthoides ) also known as hogweed -like thistle is a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae.


The way thistle is an herbaceous biennial plant, which reaches stature heights of 30 to 120 centimeters. Its stalk is winged and spiny ( almost) foliated to the tip. The run-down leaves are deeply pinnatifid, green above, almost completely bald. The leaf sections have 4-7 millimeters long, coarse spines.

The flower heads are on short Blütenstandsschäften individually up to three, and have a diameter of 12 to 25 millimeters on. The shell is ovate - globose and barely pubescent. The middle bracts are not constricted. The corolla is bright purple.


The path - thistle is a two-year Hemikryptophyt, a pioneer plant and a cultural companion. It is pollinated by bees and bumblebees. Its fruits are spread by the wind.


The path - thistle is a moderate continental (up to sub-Mediterranean ) Flore element that occurs from Central Eastern Europe to the Caucasus and the Near East and south to northern Greece. The type is missing in southwest Europe. In Scandinavia and England, it occurs only synanthropic. In addition, it is introduced in North America, New Zealand and Australia ( and Argentina? ).

The way thistle is scattered in front of perennial weeds rich or open corridors along roads, debris and loading areas or in cattle warehouses. It grows mainly on nitrogen-rich and usually base-rich soil in a warm climate location. After Ellenberg she is a full- light plant, and a Verbandscharakterart the heat needy thistle companies ( Onopordion acanthii ).


The first publication of Carduus acanthoides was in 1753 by Linnaeus in Species Plantarum. Synonyms for Carduus L. acanthoides are: Carduus camporum Boiss, Carduus fortior Klokov, Carduus martrinii Martrin - Dono, Carduus murfatlarii Nyár. . & Prodan, Carduus polyacanthus Schreb. , Carduus Thessalus Boiss. & Heldr. , Carduus Carduus medius and velebiticus Borbás subsp. martrinii ( Martrin - Dono ) Kazmi.
