Carl Lang

Carl Lang ( born September 20, 1957 in Vernon, Eure ) is a French politician. From 1994 to 2009 he was a member of the European Parliament.

Lang joined the National Front in 1978. After graduating in 1980 as a Physical Therapist, he rose in 1982 to the Central Committee of the party and directed the 1983 election campaign, Jean -Marie Le Pen for the municipal elections in Paris's 20th arrondissement. He led from 1983 to 1986 the youth organization of the Front National de la jeunesse, in 1985 elected to the Politburo of the Party and held from 1988 to 1995, the Office of the Secretary General of the party. After he was appointed again in 1999 to the Secretary General of the National Front, Le Pen dismissed him on 11 October 2005 from this office. In February 2009, he founded the party Parti de la France.

Besides political mandates at the regional and local level in the regional councils of Upper Normandy (1986-1992) and the Nord-Pas -de- Calais (1992-2010) and the city council of Lille (1995-1996) Carl Lang gained in the elections 1994, 1999 and 2004 a seat in the European Parliament. In the European elections in France in 2009 he was a candidate in the constituency of Nord-Ouest. In November 2011, he was responsible for national role in the founding of the new party Union of the Right Bank, a merger of the Parti de la France with other right-wing movements that reject the new moderate course of the FN. His attempt to stand as a candidate of this alliance for the 2012 presidential election, failed because of the necessary 500 signatures of elected officials.
