
Carles is a Catalan male first name that occurs sporadically as a family name. The German -language form of the name is Karl. More about the origin and meaning of the name see here. The Spanish form of the name is Carlos.

Bearers of the name

First name

  • Carles Batlle ( b. 1963 ), a Catalan writer and playwright
  • Carles Benavent (born 1954 ), Spanish Flamenco and jazz bassist
  • Carles Bosch de la Trinxeria (1831-1897), a Catalan writer
  • Carles Busquets ( born 1967), Spanish football goalkeeper
  • Carles Planas (* 1991), Spanish football player
  • Carles Puyol (born 1978 ), Spanish footballer
  • Carles Rexach ( born 1947 ), Spanish football player and coach
  • Carles Santos Ventura ( born 1940 ), Catalan composer and artist

Family name

  • Carole Montillet - Carles (born 1973 ), French alpine skier
  • Philippe Carles ( b. 1941 ), French jazz journalist and author
  • Ricardo María Carles Gordo (1926-2013), Spanish clergyman, Archbishop of Barcelona, ​​Cardinal

Pictures of Carles
