Carlo Passaglia

Carlo Passaglia ( born March 2, 1812 in Lucca, † March 12, 1887 in Turin) was Italian theologian and a Jesuit.


15 years old Passaglia in 1827 appeared as a novice in the Jesuit Order. He studied, among others in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University, where in 1844 Professor.

In the papal bull Ineffabilis Deus ( " The incomprehensible God " ) announced Pope Pius IX. December 8 1854 Dogma of the Immaculate Conception; the foundations of this bull Passaglia created by extensive preparatory work. Only a few months later published Passaglia the " Immaculate Conception " his work De Immaculato Deiparae semper virginis conceptu. With its 1860 - but published anonymously - pamphlet per causa italica ad episcopos catholicos Passaglia made ​​then all the more attention, as it is declared the temporal power of the pope as dangerous for the Church.

The Curia made ​​sure that this pamphlet was put on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum and Passaglia had to leave his order. As Passaglia after the ban of his teaching activity also threatening the arrest, he went to Turin into exile. There he was entrusted in 1861 with a teaching of moral philosophy. As a professor at the University of Turin Passaglia served from 1862 to 1866 as executive editor of mediators. In it, he led a fierce battle against the temporal power of the Curia until he publicly recanted.

At the age of nearly 75 years, Carlo Passaglia died on 12 March 1887 in Turin.


  • La questione della indipendenza ed unità d' Italia dinanzi al clero, Florence 1861
  • La vita di Gesù, scritta as Ernesto Renan. Colla traduzione del testo, discussa e confutata, 2 vols, Turin 1864 ( a confrontation with Ernest Renan's Life of Jesus )
  • La causa di Sua Eminenza Reverendissima il Cardinale Girolamo d'Andrea Vescovo suburbicario di Sabina, Abate Ordinario di Subiaco, esposta e difesa pel Prof. Carlo Passaglia, con quattro lettere di Erasmo Cattolico sullo stesso argomento, Turin 1867