Carlo Urbani

Carlo Urbani (* October 19, 1956 in Castelplanio in the province of Ancona, † March 29, 2003 in Bangkok, Thailand ) was an Italian physician.


After graduating from high school and graduating, he received his doctorate at the University of Ancona in Italy. Around the same time he began his involvement in the Italian section of Doctors Without Borders, whose president he was a few years later. He was one of the members, who accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the organization in 1999.

Urbani worked for the WHO South-East Asia and kept mainly to do in Hanoi ( Vietnam). It was in September 2002, probably the first to recognize the respiratory disease SARS and classified. Urbani SARS fell sick and died on 29 March 2003 to the consequences of the infection.

Dr. Carlo Urbani was married and had three children.

Movie Documentary

  • The Empire of the virus (Part 1). German -French- Greek- Finnish- Swedish TV documentary by Petra Höfer, Freddie and Francesca D' Amicis Röckenhaus. ARD / Arte et al 2008, 45 minutes - also deals with the fate Carlo Urbanis