Carlos Wyld Ospina

Carlos Wyld Ospina ( born June 19, 1891 in Antigua Guatemala, † June 19, 1956 in Quetzaltenango ) was a Guatemalan novelist, essayist and poet.


Wyld Ospinas paternal grandfather came from England. His father Guillermo Quiñones Wyld itself was Guatemalan and married Soledad Ospina Chaparro, a niece of Mariano Ospina Rodríguez President of Colombia.

Ospina spent considerable time in Mexico and in Guatemala City, the most of his life but in Quetzaltenango. He exercised a wide variety of professions; inter alia, he was a lecturer in Spanish and Latin American literature for some time. The revolution in Mexico he experienced as a war correspondent. He also fought in the resistance against the dictator Manuel Estrada Cabrera José.

Porfirio Barba Jacob Together with he founded in Mexico the newspaper " Churubusco " and conducted in Guatemala, the magazine " El Zaraguate ". He was a member of the literary group Los Líricos, which also included Alberto Velásquez Günther, Carlos Mérida and Rafael Yela Günther, and member of the Academia de la Lengua Guatemalteca and the Sociedad de Geografía e Historia.

He was married to the writer Amalia Chévez.


Wyld Ospinas first novel " El Solar de los Gonzaga " was built between 1917 and 1919. Therein he thematized the demise of a nearly absolutist society through the loss of their hegemony and the rise of a new prosperous bourgeoisie. Presented at an impoverished nobleman who has to overcome in spite of snobbery to get married (that already no longer exists) get far below his social level his family.

A major novel until today the Guatemalan, but also quite Mesoamerican literature created Wyld Ospina with " La gringa ". His female protagonist Magda is considered synonymous with Rómulo Gallegos ' " Doña Barbara ". He put so much emphasis on the external symbolic power as more of an increase in development novel. But in the internal monologue of the indomitable femininity ( Magda ) and their antagonists ( Fernando ), he also indicates issues with which only later authors have employed; Exploitation of indigenous people, economic exploitation of the country by foreign firms, autocratic Regierungstzeit Manuel José Estrada Cabrera, among others

Works (selection)

  • La tierra de las Nahujacas. Guatemala 1933.
  • Los lares apagados. Neuaufl. Artemis Dinter, Guatemala 1994, ISBN 84-89452-40-7 ( Ayer y hoy, 3).
  • El autócrata. Ensayo politico - social. Editorial Pineda Ibarra, Guatemala 1967.
  • Bocetos articulos. In 1960.
  • Las dávivas simple. Neuaufl. Editoria Cultura, Guatemala 2003.
  • Paw and swingarm. A Creole novel ( " La gringa "). Publisher Payne, Leipzig 1940.
  • El Sotar de los Gonzaga. Guatemala 1924.
  • Edelberto Torres - Rivas: Obras.
  • Alberto Velázquez: Obras.